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No Fear Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
ISBN: PB: 9781586638450, GMC Group, Spark Notes, April 2003
304 pp., 19x13.3 cm
Each "No Fear Shakespeare" contains: The complete text of the original play A line-by-line translation that puts Shakespeare into everyday language A complete list of characters with descriptions Plenty of helpful commentary.
Naked Lonely Hand Selected Poems
ISBN: PB: 9780856463495, Carcanet, February 2003
112 pp., 23.5x15.7 cm
One of the greatest poets of the subcontinent, Jibanananda Das (1899-1954) redefined the parameters of Bengali poetry in the wake of the impression left by the work of his more traditional compatriot, Rabindranath Tagore. Idiosyncratic in style and w...
New Collected Poems
ISBN: PB: 9781857546231, Carcanet, February 2003
600 pp., 21.5x13.5 cm
The lyric and satirical muses have kept busy with Les Murray. "Subhuman Redneck Poems", awarded the 1996 T. S. Eliot Prize, Dog Fox Field (1991), "Translations from the Natural World" (1993) and "Conscious and Verbal" (1999) are added to his expanded...
Now, Then
ISBN: PB: 9781903039601, Carcanet, October 2002
120 pp., 21.5x13 cm
Illusions and delusions, joys and jokes, mysteries of memory and temporal paradox figure in Andrew McNeillie's new collection. Here are new sequences of bird poems, and tree poems, lines from an autobiography, lines from America, and poems about old...
New Collected Poems
ISBN: PB: 9781857545593, Carcanet, February 2002
401 pp., 21.6x13.5 cm
Does history tell stories? from "Concerning History" Yes, if the poet listens carefully. Elizabeth Jennings listens carefully, through spiritual, emotional and mental turbulence. She has created an abidingly popular body of poetry, using traditional...
New Selected Letters
ISBN: HB: 9781857542738, Carcanet, August 2001
220 pp., 22.5x15 cm
"These great people like MacDiarmid are a bit scary", says the Scottish poet Liz Lochhead. And Kathleen Jamie: "Drunk? Men? Thistle? What?... No. No, not for me". It was not ever thus. Dylan Thomas declared: "Every door in any town should be wide o...
ISBN: PB: 9780856463303, Carcanet, May 2001
120 pp., 21.7x13.9 cm
Josep Carner's "Nabi" is a masterpiece of modern Catalan poetry. Based on the biblical story of Jonah, it is essentially a Christian poem, though it is scathing about the effects of religious perversion. In the widest sense a poem about the limits of...
ISBN: PB: 9781903039021, Carcanet, November 2000
264 pp., 21.6x13.5 cm
Nevermore is an elegy for lost times and threatened things. It celebrates recollection and the "immortality of youth", and youth's passions: for natural history (as in the group of bird poems entitled "Plato's Aviary"), for the naive curiosity and lu...
New Selected Poems
ISBN: PB: 9781857544596, Carcanet, April 2000
180 pp., 21.5x13.7 cm
Edwin Morgan's original "Selected Poems" was published in 1985. It became something of a classic, selling in excess of 20,000 copies. But 1985 is a long time in the world of so inventive and irrepressible a writer as Edwin Morgan. He has published a...
Night Watch
ISBN: PB: 9780856463198, Carcanet, November 1999
80 pp., 21.6x13.5 cm
Peter Scupham's eleventh collection brings his customary elegance and skill to bear on themes as diverse as the Battle of Arras, Kilvert's Diary, and an unexpected encounter with his parents on holiday from the underworld. These parables and truthful...